"But I just don't have time!"
Although excuses for not exercising are many and varied, "but I just don't have time" is the number one battle cry of the time-poor.
Practitioners often lament the inability to add another hour to a person's day so that they might be able to devote some time to improving their overall health through exercise.
A recent publication in the May-June issue of the American College of Sports Medicine's Health and Fitness journal suggests that given the sometimes extreme demands of life in the developed world, people have lost the ability to manage and expand physical energy and therefore succumb to a cycle of mental, emotional and physical fatigue which has long-term implications on their overall health and happiness. It goes on to say that regular aerobic and resistance training can help combat this problem.
Again, the problem of time rears its ugly head. The good news is that the researchers who wrote the article found that by performing 12 exercises over 7 minutes, which utilize only body weight, a chair and a wall, one can achieve a similar fitness effect to the combination of a long run and a visit to the weight room. The program can be modified for different abilities and can be performed two or three times in succession if desired.
Have a look at the following article from the New York Times with a link to the full text journal paper.
It’s tantalising in its simplicity!
While you read it, consider that you would be able to get a full workout in that same time!
Further research has suggested that fitness gains can be achieved through a mere 4 minutes of intense activity (ie having the heart rate at 90% of maximum). The link below provides an overview.
As always, be sure to consult your chiropractor or other health practitioner before commencing a new exercise program to ensure it is appropriate for you.
And for a sneak peek at the 12 simple exercises, see below….