What To Expect
What To Expect
At Chiropractic Solutions we are interested in you as an individual, and our aim is to work with you to help you achieve your health goals.
On your first visit with us, before we commence any treatment, we will undertake a thorough health history and physical examination. If your chiropractor determines that x-rays will be required, a referral will be arranged as soon as possible. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Your chiropractor will discuss with you all of your examination (and x-ray) findings as well as your treatment options and will give you an indication of recommended care over the coming days and or weeks.
While every patient comes to us with their own individual circumstances, we find that the required care generally falls into the following broad categories:
Relief Care
In this initial phase of care the emphasis is on achieving relief of symptoms as quickly as possible.
At this stage adjustments will often be performed 2 or even 3 times per week, with the process usually taking between 1 - 4 weeks (although 6 - 8 weeks of relief care is sometimes necessary in severe cases)
It is essential in this stage of care to follow your chiropractor’s recommendations closely, including schedule and frequency of care, recommendations for rest, exercises and use of ice/heat etc.
Rehabilitation Care
As you near the completion of the Relief Care phase of treatment, your chiropractor will discuss with you your health goals in order to ensure that our recommendations for your care are consistent with your goals.
The pain experienced in many conditions is a late stage symptom in a process that often involves many months of poor joint and muscle function. As the pain eases, there may be a need for further care to rehabilitate chronically injured tissues.
As you progress into this Rehabilitative Phase of care there will be a greater emphasis on your own input, including continuing exercises and making postural and lifestyle improvements.
Adjustment frequency will decrease to once per week or fortnight, and the process of rehabilitation may take anywhere from 1 to 3 months. In some chronic cases the rehabilitation phase may even take up to 12 months.
Some patients indicate to us at this stage that they are satisfied simply with relief care, and choose not to undertake the rebuilding and strengthening processes of the Rehabilitative phase of care.
If this is your choice, we will respect your decision and support you with whatever further care you require in the future.
Maintenance Care
At the completion of Rehabilitative Care it makes sense to prolong the benefits of your new improved spinal function and general health with an occasional maintenance adjustment.
We are all aware that the need to work at fitness is an ongoing one. A fitness program starts with lots of hard work and suffering, followed by a period of increased wellbeing, but we know that we need to keep working on the program to keep enjoying the benefits.
The same principal applies to other aspects of our health. To maintain good spinal mobility and function you may need to keep working at it, with an occasional adjustment. The frequency of those adjustments is reduced compared with the earlier stages of care, and obviously it is important to also maintain the postural and lifestyle changes that you have made earlier.
At Chiropractic Solutions we generally find that most of our patients are able to maintain good spinal function with a maintenance adjustment once every 1 – 3 months, depending on their age, general health, occupational stressors, and pre-existing conditions.
As with every stage of your care, we will discuss your health goals with you at this time to determine if you would like us to make recommendations for you to maintain your spinal improvement.
Periodic Review Process
An important part of any ongoing Chiropractic treatment program is a periodic review process.
At Chiropractic Solutions we conduct re-examinations of our patients after 12 months or 12 visits whichever comes first. They may also be conducted at the chiropractor’s discretion given their patient’s current presenting symptoms or condition, particularly following a traumatic event such as a Motor Vehicle Accident or Workplace Injury.
These re-examinations allow us to keep accurate and up-to date records regarding each patient’s spinal health and overall general well-being as well as providing insights into any new health conditions that may be occurring in the lives of our patients. Each review builds on the last and provides a greater picture from which to base our recommendations and treatment options.
As part of our registration with AHPRA (Australian Health Professionals Registration Authority) we strive to uphold our profession’s Code of Conduct, which includes conducting these periodic reviews.
Each review will require an extended appointment and will incur an extended appointment fee.
Contact us today! Phone (08) 8362 3342