Headaches & Migraines
Headaches are one of the most common conditions treated by chiropractors.
Many headaches are caused by poor function in the muscles and joints of the neck and upper back. These types of headaches can often be effectively managed with chiropractic care.
If there is a lack of appropriate function ie. subluxation, in the upper spine (neck) and associated musculature ), this can contribute to tension, muscular trigger points, joint irritations, and ultimately direct and referred pain.
It is well documented that upper neck joints and muscles have important neural connections with pain sensitive structures and blood vessels in the head. If you have poor function in your neck it is not unusual to experience malfunction and pain in other associated areas. Headaches are a common example of this phenomenon.
If you suffer headaches, it is wise to see a chiropractor for a spinal assessment and investigation of other contributing factors. Dehydration, poor posture, mental stress, food sensitivities, inappropriate sleeping positions, and inadequate pillow support are all examples of factors that have potential to contribute to recurring headaches.
It is important to remember that while headaches are extremely common, they are not normal!
Headaches can arise from one or several root causes, but it is important to have your individual situation properly assessed so that appropriate treatment can be administered.
What does the research say?
It has been shown that Chiropractic manipulation can have a positive effect in the treatment of Cervicogenic (caused by neck problems) headaches.
Roland, B et al (2011). Evidence based guidelines for the Chiropractic treatment of adults with headache. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, 34(5); 274 – 289
Headaches: Nilsson N1, Christensen HW, Hartvigsen J.
The effect of spinal manipulation in the treatment of cervicogenic headache: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9200048
Cervicogenic headaches: a critical review: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14588366
Efficacy of spinal manipulation for chronic headache: a systematic review: Bronfort G1, Assendelft WJ, Evans R, Haas M, Bouter L.